Saturday, April 11, 2009

TWO SIDES (original draft - 2001)


Like a swarm of savage bees
Befallen, to take me by surprise
He came and filched the nectar high
Above the veils of misty sky
I tried to stop him on his way
He blew me off, a kite unaided
I looked at him, my feeble head
So helpless with my hands clenched

I had a glimpse, his angry sighs
Bolts of thunder, crashing skies
His gleaming eyes, of crimson red
An imbecile, uncouth marauder

A maddened anguish, his mind irate
with reasons unconcievable......
Bearing fangs ,he snarled at me
A helpless god was watching me

Suddenly, the door unbolted
A brilliant light came galling in

My path enlightened, my way to move
A white seraph, came gliding through
And took the velvet beast away

And then I wondered ?
What had I seen ?
And the mystery unfolded, crashing down
I realized ,
They were the two sides
of my own self

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