Saturday, April 11, 2009

TWO SIDES (original draft - 2001)


Like a swarm of savage bees
Befallen, to take me by surprise
He came and filched the nectar high
Above the veils of misty sky
I tried to stop him on his way
He blew me off, a kite unaided
I looked at him, my feeble head
So helpless with my hands clenched

I had a glimpse, his angry sighs
Bolts of thunder, crashing skies
His gleaming eyes, of crimson red
An imbecile, uncouth marauder

A maddened anguish, his mind irate
with reasons unconcievable......
Bearing fangs ,he snarled at me
A helpless god was watching me

Suddenly, the door unbolted
A brilliant light came galling in

My path enlightened, my way to move
A white seraph, came gliding through
And took the velvet beast away

And then I wondered ?
What had I seen ?
And the mystery unfolded, crashing down
I realized ,
They were the two sides
of my own self

(From my Initial Collection)

Far amidst the land we live
Enfolded by mountain peaks
Lived a boy, his family,
Within some lonely creak

A father, mother and a child
(a sister that would be )
Apart from that, a dog and a cat
Were all his eyes perceived!

And just like this , the moments ticked
Through days of endless glee
And their life!
It went on,
Without a changing breeze

And finally the day arrived
As just among the rest
With the emerald sky and the shining sun
It started at its best

But no one knew
Not one or few
What nature had amassed?
The boy innocent, notionless
Played with the dog outdoor

Alas ! it gave a massive blow (with terror jolts, the forsaken house!!!!!)
The roof went all aloof
And the tiles lay crumpled, scattered all
And the debris smoked with dusty hue

Wake up son!
For heaven's sake
A voice heard deep within
My sight returned ,a drowsy head
I saw my mother weep
Before a word, that I could speak
With a whimper, could she say
It’s just me and you ,not a single few

Has remained ,amongst the rest

Dear son , I do abhor
This loneliness with in
And before the rest that I could hear
A quaver jolted me

My eyes beheld a different world
My father gaped at me
My sister wore a frightened stare
A hiatus blinding me

The only word which I could say
“Oh mother” ,where is she????
with the fading debris in the air
Some morbid legacy

At last ,the halted silence broke
It came from father’s lips
“Oh she is gone” , a sad demise
Her parting from the rest

What games, what part and what performance
Had time flippant with me
I thought I did, I was confused!
Which second to believe?

I closed my eye, my lonely cries
Unsettling from within
And then alas, my mind impulsive
A feeling grafted in

The Mirage

The Poet seeks a magic bird

he gets misplaced in a desert storm

around him now a thousand acre of burning death

in thirst he breathes his final breath

and then he sees the magic bird

drinking from the mystic pond

and this makes him close his eyes..............